Computerized Body-Check Analyzer

First line over-all screening for prevention and monitoring. Measures 24 meridian points that detects the source of any  health concerns and detect possible risks of disease before it manifests in the body.

Over 40 years of research involving thousands of scientists and practitionersThe newest, fastest, safest and accurate health check system.The Computerized Body-Check Analyzer (CBA) system draws a statistical relationship between measurements taken from the skin to internal organ function.

It involves the use of a sensor that emits a very low level-standardized electrical impulse into 24 points, called Meridian points, in your hands and feet to generate a user profile. This profile is compared to a large clinical database of over 50 million persons tested to identify any current recognizable patterns.Research show that meridian skin points reflect more electric current and nerve activities than non-meridian skin points. Therefore, meridian points can be deemed as the window to a body’s inner activities because they reflect the system’s current functionality.

CBA can detect some changes or trends that indicate the risk of disease before it becomes symptomatic. The system combines ancient Chinese meridian theory and modern electronic physiology to match the requirements and standard of modern medical equipment.