
Activated Charcoal Bath

Nothing is more relaxing than a warm bath except perhaps a relaxing, warm natural detox bath that also helps cleanse the body by removing toxins and chemical waste products that makes you feeling tired always.

Bio-Clarity Therapy

Step into your Personal Steam-Sauna with Herbs, a powerful detox treatment that helps you relax, relieve pain, improve circulation and with  added benefits for weight loss and skin purification.


Diathermy Therapy

For those suffering from frozen shoulders, muscle spasms and sprains, DIATHERMY is the best therapy for you.

Diathermy uses electrical current to deliver core warming to deep body tissue and bring therapeutic processes from within to enjoy over-all comfort.

Cupping Therapy
(Mechanical Ventosa)

In traditional Chinese medicine, Cupping therapy or Ventossa uses flamed cups to improve the energy flow throughout the body. At the Life Extension, we use pressurized cups to give the right amount of pressure.


Body Massage

Enjoy the comforting and  gentle massage of this powerful deep, cleansing treatment that promotes health and at the same time, takes out the stress away with the Life Extension  Body Massages.

Bio Repair Laser I.V. Therapy

A therapeutic application of coherent, monochromatic light energy at low intensities at the vein using Helium and Neon as source of laser light.


Thermal Magnetic Acupressure
(Needle-Less Acupuncture)

Traditional Chinese medical theory describes special acupoints, or acupressure points, that lie along meridians, or channels, in your body. These are the same energy meridians and acupoints as those targeted with acupuncture.


Blood Flow Analyzer (BFA)

Detects early stages of vessel disorders and the best tool for prevention of several diseases like diabetes and blood vessel complications.